When you go to a bank to get a short term personal loan, usually there are several documents which you will have to present to your bankers. This is part of their due diligence process to determine your background and it helps the banks to assess if you are creditworthy or not. Documents such as your salary slips, W-2 forms and other financial statements are required. While people who are employed would have no trouble coming up with their employment details, what happens if you are unemployed? Can you get a personal loan if you have no full time employment and are there legitimate loan lenders to help? This is a valid concern as you may be jobless but have good credit history and feel that you have a strong case. In this scenario, one option for you to borrow money fast is to apply with lenders with no employment proof needed. Our partners provide an easy and convenient way to borrow $1000 overnight with no collateral needed. There is no fear of losing your asset as compared to secu...